Interactive: Pyeongchang 2018’s athletic composition by discipline, country and genre

See below to explore in this Tableau dataviz which country sent how many athletes, by discipline and genre to Pyeongchang 2018.

There are three parts to this chart on the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics. The first one lets you see the general picture by country in absolute numbers. You can also select a specific discipline, showing you the countries with athletes participating in it (note that countries with less than 10 athletes were excluded from this bar chart).

The second chart does the same by focusing more precisely on one country, making comparisons easier.

The last one is a fancy but effective tree map detailing the discipline distribution of each country.

Mobile and tablet users: Tableau is mobile-hostile, so what you might see below is a still version of the visualisation – see here for interactivity.



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